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5 ways of remaining agile in the face of adversity with Dynamics 365

It is safe to say that over the years, Advantage has continued to encourage businesses to grow by adopting new forms of technology where appropriate. During times where things are less certain and in the face of adversity, here at Advantage, we have adapted to this situation by creating solutions where priorities are focusing on steering businesses through troubled waters and trying to ensure business continuity. 

With the Coronavirus continuing to spread at a rapid rate and impacting on the daily lives of individuals and the day to day running of many businesses, we are all having to adapt ourselves to quick changes in the business environment where business continuity again is of the utmost importance. 

For those businesses that have implemented Dynamics 365 already, we hope that your fears will be put to rest given how flexible the product and platform is in being easily adaptable and reactive at the drop of a hat. 

You will find that this also provides more opportunities to use this tech to quickly respond to any radical business changes that you may feel as a result of the Coronavirus. These opportunities may include being able to manage challenges in supporting customers and maintaining day to day operations where your employees are having to work remotely (we recently announced our continuity plan). 

It could be the case where certain actions may have been shelved for a while but are now required to be used as part of imminent continuity plans. This works both ways as you may find that certain actions such as upcoming events and training may have to be placed on hold for now. 

In our latest blog article, we will provide you with 5 ways of remaining agile in the face of adversity with Dynamics 365. 

Link Dynamics 365 with Microsoft Teams 

The increases seen in people having to work remotely due to self-isolation and the recent closure of schools has seen more and more businesses turning to Microsoft Teams as a way of ensuring that they are able to communicate and collaborate as effectively as possible (we can get you setup on Teams with our quick start package). By establishing a connection between Teams and Dynamics 365, users are given a brand new way of being able to access the data contained within their Dynamics 365 solution. Some of the extra capability includes being able to pin Dynamics records and views to Teams channels so updates are able to be included within its existing chat and collaboration capabilities. 

If you are looking to get this integration between Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Teams established then get in touch with our team of Dynamics 365 experts today. 

Improve your Unified Interface Optimisation 

If you have recently made the transition to the new Unified Interface, how best are using these new capabilities to your advantage? To give you an example, have you changed the way your forms look, added new controls that make data entry much easier, embedded PowerBI dashboards or deployed apps? 

If not, you should get in touch with our Dynamics 365 experts to discuss how we can help you customise the Unified Interface to suit your needs or if you are looking to make the transition to the new Unified Interface. 

Prepare your business for Team Member Enforcement 

As your business steers the troubled waters around the Coronavirus outbreak, it's worth making sure that you are still able to have full accessibility to your CRM system. If you currently have a Dynamics 365 Team Member SKU licence you need to be ready for the technical licence enforcement to be switched on for existing customers from June 30th with new customers seeing this switch happening from April 1st. 

How your business will be impacted largely depends on your current usage. For example, those businesses where users are using more than their fair share of the entitlements under the Team Member licences could be troublesome if users are stopped from being able to access gated apps and other restricted features. 

For more information about this upcoming change please refer to our latest blog post, if you need any additional help in reviewing your current Dynamics licensing then please get in touch. 

Modifying your reports with the use of PowerBI 

With many teams spread out in wider areas rather than in the office being able to access real-time reporting is vital in being able to make the right decisions at the right time. With the use of PowerBI charts and visuals, users will be able to stay updated on the most vital of those metrics from any place, at any time. 

If you have never created a PowerBI dashboard before, or even if you have one, the recent changes in the working habits of your employees may require you to reevaluate your reporting needs.  

Find out all the information about PowerBI and get in touch with us if you are looking to build PowerBI dashboards or are looking to use PowerBI for the very first time. 

Ramp up your efforts towards full digital transformation 

With more and more remote working and less workable resources businesses will need to review and replace any outdated processes. With some of these run in Excel or are largely paper-based, these require lots of effort and require even more time during uncertain times. 

This is where Dynamics 365 can help as they can better handle processes or better still you may wish to go down the road of creating PowerApps. These can be created with very little coding and easily built to be able to handle specific work processes. You will find that the data is accessed and stored in the same place as Dynamics 365 and Office 365. 

Get in touch if you want to find out more about PowerApps and how you can make the shift towards the full digital transformation of your processes via the Microsoft Power Platform. 

What can I do next? 

It has become abundantly clear that most businesses will have to navigate more troubled waters in the next few months. However, it is important to look at the bigger picture as this won’t last forever and we know that this will only make businesses stronger after they come through it.  Here at Advantage, we are committed to helping both new & existing customers to use Dynamics 365 and the Microsoft Power Platform to get through this uncertainty and take advantage of all the opportunities that will crop up. 

Please get in touch with our team of experts to find out more about how we can help your business. 

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