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5 ways that Microsoft Dynamics can transform your logistics/distribution business

Regardless of whether your business supplies other businesses or straight to the end customer, being able to build and maintain customer loyalty & meet & exceed expectations are pivotal for both logistics and distribution businesses. 

It goes without saying that CRM solutions are crucial for all businesses to have in one form or another, no matter what industry you operate in, however this has even more importance for logistics and distribution businesses who have many unique challenges. 

In our latest blog article, we will provide you with 5 ways that Microsoft Dynamics can transform your logistics/distribution business. 

Better customer service 

If you are using Microsoft Dynamics 365 to follow customer enquiries, it can enable you to respond quicker and provide more accurate answers which helps to build customer loyalty and increased profits for your business. All employees within your warehouse and service locations in addition to those field operatives that are on the go all the time can easily access any customer enquiries as they come into the business. Put it this way, how many people in your business right now can access the information they require in one place in order to easily answer customer questions? 

Game changing customer insight 

If your customers include wholesalers, other businesses and end users, are you aware that each of these groups have different expectations? Therefore, how will you be able to track these and manage their buying preferences? If you are already using multi-channel distribution, you will need to vary your marketing tactics for each channel, therefore, how will you be able to stop channel conflicts between wholesale customers and those who purchase directly from your business? The answer is quite simple, a CRM solution that can enable you to easily manage each individual preference efficiently and accurately as the same rules won't always apply to all your customers. Furthermore, by using a CRM solution will mean that you have all the information you require at your fingertips including order history, delivery preferences and much, much more. 

Improve your overall efficiency 

It is common knowledge within the industry that many distribution businesses are still using manual and paper-based systems for everyday tasks that could easily be streamlined and automated through the use of a CRM system. Using Excel spreadsheets to track orders can get extremely tedious if orders are coming in from all different directions.  

Capability to seamless integrate 

Most distribution companies are using multiple systems to take care of different processes across the business which often causes a number of different problems such as duplicate work, missed orders as well as a decrease in the level of customer service. Therefore, by integrating Microsoft CRM with Dynamics 365 Business Central ERP, all the dots are joined up – from order to fulfillment and much more. This will help to improve your overall efficiency & real-time visibility into available inventory as well as helping you to shorten the order processing time. 

Improve your overall sales 

When a salesperson regularly uses a CRM system to manage their pipeline, it can provide a much more accurate view of projected business as well as potential incoming revenue and closing dates. Furthermore, it can also help to show where you can improve, to give you an example of this, if your salesperson creates a quote, how do you know if it will result in a sale? If a lead did not convert to a sale, do you know the reason why? By having better insight into your sales pipeline will enable you to be able to make bolder predictions for other parts of your business such as inventory requirements, revenue forecasting and much more. 

Next Steps? 

If you are a logistics or distribution business looking to transform the way you work through our Microsoft Dynamics for Logistics & Distribution tailored solution then please be sure to contact one of our dedicated Microsoft Dynamics experts today to discuss your specific requirements. 

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