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Discover how Dynamics 365 Customer Service can transform the way you work

If you didn’t already know, Dynamics 365 Customer Service takes your Customer Service to the next level by allowing your customer service teams to resolve issues with all the information provided, in an effective and efficient way. This is formulated by taking agents through the process flows that are created to enable support requests to be resolved against your specific company’s guidelines for support. 

If you have already made your mind up about what your business wants you can go straight to our main Dynamics 365 Customer Service page.  

If you are looking for more information about the specifics, in our latest blog post below, we will be taking you through the three main parts of Dynamics for Customer Service teams and how they can help your business to transform your customer service. 

1) Service Level Agreements 

The first element of Dynamics 365 Customer Service is service level agreements otherwise known as SLAs. So, just what are they when it comes to business? 

A significant element of being able to deliver the best customer service is being able to set realistic expectations and agreeing beforehand what the service provider will do and when they will do it. 

This is where SLAs come in as they can be used to track support policies, which are likely to be different for each customer and they can be applied to support plans too. To give you an example of this in practice, you can define how quickly customers will get support, how regularly they will be updated about unresolved problems and how long customers will be supported after a purchase has been made. 

How can you create SLAs? 

The first step is to make a decision on which entities SLAs can be set against, for example cases, then outline specific KPIs to gain a firm understanding of how successful case handling looks like and produce SLA items to showcase when things aren’t on track and what failing to meet an SLA looks like. 

For example, you could set something as simple as how fast a customer receives an initial response whether a holding email or action email and then how fast the issue is resolved. 

You can set the SLA items and SLA KPIs narrowly or broadly as and when needed, depending on what SLA will be given to all customers who are on the same system or product, or if it is unique to that specific customer. 

How can you define SLA items? 

Some examples of the elements that can be configured can be found below: 

  • Defining working hours 
  • Ability to stop and resume the SLA item 
  • When the SLA item has failed 

2) Customer Service Cases 

The second element of Dynamics 365 Customer Service is customer service cases. So, just what are they when it comes to business? 

Cases collate all the most important information in one place regarding a customer query, the customer in question, the primary contact, information about the case, the products/services the customer uses & the case history. 

Through the use of Dynamics 365, you can easily create cases which will make it easier to track individual cases, the next steps & the ability to either escalate or reassign cases to other team members. This in itself makes it easier to make better decisions and deliver better customer service. 
How can you progress and track cases? 

You have the ability to both log and track all calls, emails and other activities present from within the record timeline as well as the ability to shape a narrative from case creation right though to the end result. Better still, at any point, you can simply login and check the status of the case on the timeline. 

The different processes involved with dealing with cases can be tailored to your specific business requirements and each will have several actions that need to be completed before moving further down the chain. You can even go as far as using branching logic to adjust steps based on your data thus making it more streamlined for agents to deal with requests on a case-by-case basis. 

How can you resolve cases? 

When a case has been dealt with, simply select the option ‘resolved’, in addition to this, you can add further details about the case such as resolution type, duration of case, billable time used as well as anything else you feel is relevant for the case. 

Through the use of automation, you can send customers a survey so they can rate the service.  

3) Customer Service Entitlements 

The final element of Dynamics 365 Customer Service is customer service entitlements. So, just what are they when it comes to business? 

You will find that in Dynamics 365 Customer Service, users are able to link a customer to an entitlement as well as have the ability to define the type / level of support that the customer is ‘entitled’ to. The support a client receives is largely dictated by the product or service they have purchased as well as the support package they are on. 

How do you setup entitlements? 

You will be pleased to know that by default, Dynamics 365 sets support terms in the form of setting the limits on cases allowed, or the time allocated to resolve customer cases. Furthermore, in order to grant a customer an entitlement you need to setup an entitlement record as well as linking the customer to that specific record. 

At this stage, the entitlement can then be used when cases are raised or set by default to do that every time a case is created for a customer. This will mean that multiple entitlements can be given to a customer at any one time. 

How do you close an individual case without reducing entitlement terms? 

Within the system, it can still be adjusted to provide your agents with the capability to close an individual case without having to reduce the hours/cases remaining as part of their entitlement. This can come in handy when it comes to having to complete non-chargeable work or resolving a case that isn’t the customers’ fault. 

Next Steps? 

If you are a business that has only just started using Dynamics 365 Customer Service or are looking to implement Dynamics 365 Customer Service to help manage your customer queries then please get in touch with one of our Dynamics 365 experts today to discuss your specific requirements. 

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