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Dynamics 365 - A first look

Yesterday the world got their very first look at Dynamics 365. It was live streamed to the Internet for all to see. And we were excited, oh so very excited!

Showcased at the CRMUG summit in Tampa, Florida – Executive Vice President of Microsoft Scott Gutheie, told attendees that: “Everything you saw today is real. And we’ll start making Dynamics 365 available to you on November 1st

Some of the features didn’t actually seem real though – especially the AI integration! (But more on that later.)

The key features of Dynamics 365 include: business intelligence, machine learning and deep integration between ERP, CRM and productivity tools.

We’ll be updating this blog over the coming days as Microsoft continue showing off Dynamics 365.

Features at a glance:

  • Startling AI Integration: Now this is really special! Dynamics 365 boasts an advanced AI (Cortana) that’ll learn from your data and interactions and make suggested insights. It’ll be of benefit for sales and marketing as they’ll be able to gain additional insight and utilise that information when engaging with customer/prospects.
  • Seamless ERP & CRM Experience: ERP and CRM have been bundled into one system, popping all of your data into one place. It’ll help all of your teams stay on the same page and work from the same source of data, reducing errors and saving time.
  • Productivity tools: Office 365 is integrated into Dynamics 365 too. Everything you’ll ever need to do your job will be accessible within Dynamics 365. It’ll stop you from faffing around, opening lots of different applications to work and make collaboration and sharing work a doddle.
  • Entirely cloud based: It’s the first Microsoft Dynamics solution that’s entirely cloud based. It’ll pass on the usual cloud based benefits including; Rapid Implementation, Elasticity and Scalability – all geared to get your business working more efficiently and effectively in a hurry.
  • Mobile Native: Are you a remote worker? Great! Dynamics 365 will work fantastically for you. It’s been designed for a huge variety of devices, so you’ll be able to work anywhere, anytime on whatever device you want.

We’ll be following all the action from Summit on our Twitter, so make sure you follow us to find out the latest bits of news.

Feeling excited too? We know you are! Give us a tweet at @DynamicsABS or message our LinkedIn and tell us what excites you the most about Dynamics 365.