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How can your IT team gain an understanding of Dynamics 365?

If you work as part of an IT team in almost any business, you are almost certain to have heard of Dynamics 365 – Microsoft's set of applications created to seamlessly integrate with your existing systems & data, business logic as well as processes. 

Through the use of these applications, you are able to revolutionise the way your CRM and ERP business functions. Through Microsoft’s Dynamics 365 applications you are able to easily manage sales, marketing, finance, customer service and much, much more within one place. You will also probably know that these applications are based in the Cloud with many of them also having their own apps to go with them. 

In the vast majority of cases, businesses will heavily rely on their in-house IT team to try and help support these applications on a day-to-day basis. However, this doesn’t have to be an arduous task as Microsoft has some great infrastructure and admin tools in place to help simplify the daily management of Dynamics 365.  

Using the Microsoft Power Platform can provide seamless integrations 

If you didn’t already know, Dynamics 365 is largely supported by the Microsoft Power Platform, a suite of products offered by Microsoft to develop and build complex business solutions, analyze, and draw data visualizations, automate a business process in Azure and form part of the core components of the Dynamics 365 applications. 

Furthermore, the use of the Common Data Model helps to interpret entities, attributes, semantic metadata and relationships to give that added consistency to the way in which data is defined and integrated across the different applications. Furthermore, this model can be taken one step further as it can also be customised by sector or industry depending on which your business operates in. 

Automated compliance 

Ensuring that your business remains on the right side of the various industry rules & regulations doesn’t have to cause your IT team a headache largely in part to Microsoft’s constant innovations for its Dynamics 365 suite. Furthermore, Microsoft’s compliance framework automatically helps business to continuously meet GDPR & industry regulations. 

Smooth integrations between Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Azure 

It goes without saying but many businesses are already familiar with the Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) range of products. The seamless integration between Microsoft 365 and Dynamics 365 makes it much simpler for users to continue to use their favourite day-to-day apps to allow them to work with the data contained within Dynamics 365. 

In addition to this, Dynamics 365 is hosted in Azure making it easy for your business to improve the functionality using Azure services. 

Minimal downtime 

Another core benefit of using Dynamics 365 through Azure is the fact that your downtime will be minimal. This is due to Microsoft’s vast data centres globally that will enable you to host your data wherever you need it. With this data safely secured in the Cloud will allow your employees to access this data from anywhere that has an internet connection. No internet? No problem as you are able to work offline and any changes you make will be synced back to Dynamics 365 once you are back online.  

Security already provided 

Controlling the admin rights of users is easy for your IT team to manage through the Microsoft 365 admin center. Through Dynamics 365, security roles can easily be defined or customised to make sure that they are only able to access areas of the system that are determined by their role. 

Tailor apps however you want 

Long gone are the days where users need to make adjustments to their CRM package, Dynamics 365 apps can easily be tailored to enable you to streamline some of your tedious day-to-day processes.  

Next Steps? 

There are no doubts that implementing Dynamics 365 can provide a whole host of benefits for your business but isn't the IT headache that you thought it may have been thanks to Microsoft’s dedicated platform and tools. However, if your IT team does hit the buffers and needs extra help, having a team of Dynamics 365 experts on hand is always recommended. If you are looking to discuss Dynamics 365 or our dedicated Dynamics 365 support with one of our team of Dynamics 365 experts then please give us a call

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