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Microsoft reveals fantastic state of the art re-writing feature for Microsoft Word

Most tech users will be aware that Smart Compose is a tool that is used in Google Docs that actively predicts what words and phrases you will type and automatically finishes them for you. This can be very useful and certainly helps users to save time and predict your writing habits.  

However, Microsoft has gone one better by revealing a new re-writing feature for Microsoft Word that re-writes whole sentences for you. 

Microsoft did announce ‘Rewrite’ back in 2019 but was originally designed as a tool that would prompt users with better ways to phrase blocks of text. All you had to do to use it was highlight a block of text, right-click and simply navigate to the ‘Rewrite suggestion’ option from the menu. 

Microsoft has now taken this one step further by upgrading Rewrite to allow it rewrite entire sentences. This follows the same process as above, however there are three options now available: improve fluency, concise phrasing and improve readability. 

You will find that the suggested changes to your sentence are in purple. With a click of a button it will be changed straight away making your point even clearer to your audience. 

At this stage, the feature is only available for Word web users who have either a Microsoft 365 or Office 365 subscription. The default language for this is English with the likelihood that more languages will be added to this in the future. 

Microsoft is also keen to get feedback from users about this feature which you can do by hitting the ‘Give Feedback’ link below the suggested alternative sentences. 

Next Steps? 

If you are a business looking to take advantage of the above feature through an Office 365 subscription or want to find out more about the other collaboration tools available in Office 365 such as Microsoft Teams or Microsoft SharePoint then please call our IT experts today on 020 3004 4600 or fill in our online contact form. 

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