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Microsoft reveals new dates for Dynamics 365 Product & Licensing Changes

Microsoft has announced a number of new dates regarding its latest round of Dynamics 365 product and licensing changes, as a result of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. 

The thoughts behind this are to give customers extra time to get ready for the incoming licence transitions and technical enforcement. 

Please find the newly published dates below: 

Dynamics 365 Team Member Licences 

Microsoft have announced that all existing customers who had purchased the Team Member licence before October 2018 have been given extra time. It was revealed that these subscriptions can now be renewed until the end of December. 

This means that as of January 1st 2021, all renewing agreements will need to be moved to the new Team Member licence. 

With regards to the technical enforcement for Team Member licences bought or moved after October 1st 2018, this will come into effect on January 31st 2021. You can find out more information about this here. 

Legacy Web Client 

You will be pleased to know that the deadline for making the transition from the old web client to the new Unified Interface has now been extended by two months until the beginning of December. You can find out more here. 

Dynamics 365 Portals 

It was announced by Microsoft that existing customers are able to renew their current Dynamics portal use rights through to the end of December 2020 instead of the original June 30th deadline. 

Wave 1 Release 2020 

You will find that the latest update for Dynamics 365 is available this month, however Microsoft has pushed back some of the automatic enablement of certain new features until May. This will give extra time to all administrators to test and validate these before they are automatically deployed to production environments. You can read more about it here.  

Next Steps? 

If you have Dynamics 365 and are looking to implement some of the above changes before the deadlines then please do give our CRM experts a call on 020 3004 4600 or fill in our contact form. 

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