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The clock is ticking towards the discontinuation of the Dynamics 365 Web Client

Earlier in the year, Microsoft revealed that over 80% of organisations had made the switch towards the Unified Interface and also stated that the legacy web client interface for Dynamics 365 (as of Sept 19) will no longer be available from October 2020.

What does this mean for you?
It means that all customers must make the move to the new interface as soon as they can.

The important thing to note here is the fact that the transition towards the Unified Interface is not simply just flicking a switch, especially if you have any customisations on your product. It is vital to get the ball rolling on the process sooner rather than later, to ensure that you don’t have to rush the process.

If you are currently on the older version of the Dynamics 365 interface hosted in the Cloud you will see the below:

The old Dynamics 365 user interface

Therefore, you will need to make the switch to the newer version which can be seen below. 

The new Dynamics 365 Unified Interface

Making the move to the Unified Interface

By making the switch to the new UI you can help to deliver a better experience for the everyday users of the system. You will find that this involves deploying new controls and capabilities that haven’t been seen in older versions of the interface before.

Microsoft have provided a comprehensive guide for you to download and you can give Advantage a call, so that we can work with you to start planning your switch to the new Unified Interface. During this planning process, we will work with you to identify opportunities, flag up any problems/issues and discuss your specific requirements for each user group.

This also provides a great opportunity for your business to evaluate where you are with your Dynamics solution to make sure that when you make the switch it helps to improve the overall user experience, as well as providing you with a number of benefits that you can gain from making the switch as stated in our previous blog.

In order to get started with this transition please give Advantage a call on 020 3004 4600 or fill in our contact form.

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