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What options are available for upgrading from Dynamics 365 Project Service Automation?

If you didn’t already know, as of October 1st 2020, Microsoft stopped users from being able to purchase Project Service Automation (PSA) licenses. This was due to the launch of Project Operations which was essentially designed to replace PSA as its premier project management app. As well as this, Microsoft announced that it was going to support existing PSA users until October 2024 but with the caveat that it won’t be adding any new features to PSA. To help make the transition easier they would provide data migration tools from within PSA.  

So, is my business still able to use PSA? 

The answer is yes, customers who have purchased or recently renewed Dynamics 365 Project Service Automation, Dynamics 365 Unified Operations plan or Dynamics 365 Plan 2 before October 1, 2020 will be eligible for grandfathering. 

What is Grandfathering when it comes to software? 

To put this simply, grandfathering is a way to make sure that existing customers aren’t disadvantaged by software releases or products that are launched ahead of existing ones. 

What options are available when it comes to upgrading from Dynamics 365 Project Service Automation? 

Option 1: Migrate from PSA to Project Operations 

As we briefly mentioned above, Microsoft stated that they would be launching a ‘seamless upgrade’ of data from PSA to Project Operations imminently. However, Microsoft recently revealed that it should be available next month. As a well-regarded Dynamics 365 partner, Advantage are best placed to help your business to make the migration from PSA to Project Operations. 

Find out more about Project Operations 

Option 2: Consider Unit4 PSA instead 

Your business should consider making the move to Unit4 PSA instead of Project Operations. As Unit4 PSA provides more comprehensive project management functionality than Project Operations does and seamlessly integrates into your existing Dynamics 365 stack. 

Unit4 PSA can provide the perfect environment for collaboration through their technology. Furthermore, they can help professional service organisations to remain productive, despite growing challenges. Helping your business to face these challenges head on with tools that help to increase your operational excellence in project management, resource management, billing, winning business and much more.  

Unit 4's PSA will enable your business to work towards the following goals: 

  • Achieve revenue and margin targets 
  • Grow new business win rates 
  • Optimise resource utilisation 
  • Bill with precision 

Find out more about Unit 4 PSA 

Next Steps? 

If your business is currently using Project Service Automation and are looking to discuss all the options for upgrading to another project management solution then please get in touch with one of our Dynamics 365 experts today

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