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Why Dynamics 365 Marketing could be a real game changer for your business in 2022!

There are no doubts that Dynamics 365 Marketing has seen some rapid improvements throughout 2021 which has helped to position it as one of the market leaders when it comes to marketing automation in 2022.  

To help demonstrate this progress, in this blog article, we will provide you with some of the newest features available along with what new functionality is on the horizon for Dynamics 365 Marketing. 

Marketing in real-time 

Without a shadow of a doubt, Dynamics 365 Marketing has seen major improvements because of the addition of real-time event-based marketing. You will find that this feature enables marketers to create customer journeys associated with specific live events to personalise communications and respond to customer queries instantly. Within Dynamics 365 Marketing, you will see that real-time marketing has its own menu, collating together real-time automation with outbound marketing. The development doesn’t stop there, keep your eyes peeled for more coming to this application soon. 

As a result of the real-time marketing launch, this solution being updated has enabled marketers to expand their customer reach which has resulted in over 10x more interactions than they received previously. Creating real-time outbound engagements are limited to 100 million per month to a limit of 20 million contacts. These figures provide more than ample opportunity for businesses to engage effectively and efficiently with their target audience. 

Game changing usability improvements 

Personalised touch 

In addition to adding other functionality to Dynamics 365 Marketing, Microsoft has concentrated on developing the product usability function out. One of their latest developments in this context was the new ‘point and click interface’ which provides a panel for creating personalised content. This provides marketers with the opportunity to produce highly tailored content quickly and effectively. 

Text/push notifications 

You will have noticed that the communication channels have been built out further to allow the use of two leading services for SMS: Twilio and TeleSign. This development allows marketers to seamlessly integrate this into their messaging systems. 

Improvements for Intelligent Analytics 

You will see that a number of enhancements have been added to make it easier for marketers to both control and analyse marketing actions within the application. Some of these enhancements are as follows: 

  • Adding business goals to enable businesses to track progress 
  • The creation of new A/B tests to be able to test different email layouts and customer journeys. 
  • A dynamic cross-journey dashboard to enable marketers to both evaluate, analyse any problems as well as determine how effective their marketing actions are. 
  • New reports for KPIs with the capability to download templates to allow for further analysis via Power BI. 
  • Seamless integration with Customer Insights to allow for super personalisation and even more segmented audiences. 

What else has Microsoft got planned for Dynamics 365 Marketing? 

Throughout 2022, Microsoft has already revealed some exciting new features which involves major enhancements to the overall customer journey, email features and event management calendars: 

  • The capability to allow just a single-entry criteria to be able to build customer journeys faster. 
  • The ability to add multiple suppression segments in a journey. 
  • The ability to stop and edit customer events even if they are being used in live journeys. 

Next Steps? 

If you are a business that is currently looking to implement a comprehensive marketing automation platform such as the game changing Dynamics 365 Marketing application then please do give our team of CRM experts a call to discuss precisely what you are looking for. 

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