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5 reasons why small businesses need to be using Dynamics 365

Let’s start with a scenario, if we came to you as a business and said if you move to a certain software you would be heading towards substantial growth, would you say yes? It goes without saying but most of us would say hell yes! 

This is the reasoning as to why CRM systems can help you to transform the way you work. Furthermore, the use of CRM systems such as Dynamics 365 can allow businesses to communicate with customers in a whole host of different ways. If that is the case, in what way do these CRM systems help small businesses to achieve their goals & objectives? 

In our latest blog article, we will provide you with 5 reasons as to why small businesses should be using Dynamics 365/CRM. 

Reason 1: Seamless integration with popular tools 

No matter whether your business is looking to generate leads, better align sales and marketing or increase brand awareness, the tell-tale signs of a good CRM system such as Dynamics 365 is its ability to seamlessly integrate with the tools that you love using on a daily basis such as Office 365 & LinkedIn. No matter how big or small your business is, CRM systems can change the game in the way that you are able to communicate with your customers at the flick of a switch. 

Reason 2: Resolves all your software challenges 

It is safe to say that many small businesses often worry about both how good a system continues to be and the security of their software making it troublesome to keep an eye on what needs to be replaced or upgraded. This issue is removed through the use of a Cloud-based CRM system such as Dynamics 365. The best thing about a Cloud-based CRM is the fact that is updated automatically, fully scalable as your business grows and is fully accessible from any device, from any location. 

Reason 3: Keep on top of your contacts 

All businesses will have a formulated list of their current customers and prospects. This may be spread out across a whole host of different databases and Excel spreadsheets. If your business is organised it may be stored on a cloud-based server. The best thing about a useful CRM system is the fact that it collects and stores data in one place better still it allows you to follow the customer journey at each touchpoint such as previous orders, enquiries etc. What this means for your business is the fact that your conversations can be based on the overall history of engagements with them. If you are short of time, you can setup prompts to follow up emails, arrange a meeting or send over a service order. 

Reason 4: Make use of a common platform 

The great things about CRM systems are the fact that they can take dysfunctional customer relationship functions and collate them together allowing you to manage them better. Some of the other benefits associated with doing this are as follows: 

  • Seamless integration with other software 
  • Keeping customer data centralised 

Reason 5: Ability to offer customer portals 

Online self-service portals enable customers to have full autonomy over their data, enables them to improve their knowledge of products & enables them to track account activity. This is a reason that isn’t usually noted as to why small businesses need to start using Dynamics 365. It is great to have this option available for your employees but also you can take this one step further by offering it to your clients to make it much easier to engage with them. Here are just another couple of reasons why offering customer portals for clients makes strategic sense: 

  • Clients can create and review requests. 
  • Your customers can take charge of their data. 

Next Steps? 

If you are a small business that has read the above and is looking to implement a Quick Start Dynamics 365 CRM solution into your business then please get in touch with one of our Dynamics 365 experts now to run through your requirements.  

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