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To Cloud Or Not To Cloud that is the question – which option is right for your business?

When it comes to deciding on which ERP software your business moves to next largely revolves on the fact of whether it should be in the Cloud or on-premise. The whole decision will be based on what the business requires but to make it easier for you, in our latest blog article, we’ve put together a detailed comparison between choosing a cloud-based ERP or an on-premise ERP. 

How is it deployed? 


Granted, cloud computing can take several forms with the resource being hosted with your chosen service provider, however businesses will have the ability to access these resources as and when they need to from any device and any location. 

On Premise 

On the other hand, when it comes an on premise deployment, resources are set up in-house and through the infrastructure of your business’s own IT department. Therefore, the responsibility of ensuring that this solution is maintained rests solely with your business. 

What are the associated costs? 


The great advantage of the Cloud is the fact that your business only pays for the resources which it uses without any additional costs for maintaining and updating the solution. Better still, the price can be increased and decreased depending on how much you use, so is perfect if you wish to upscale your business quickly. 

On Premise 

If you choose the other option and decide to deploy solutions on premise, your business will be in charge of all the costs associated with servers, consumption and space. 

Which option offers the best security? 


We can’t sugarcoat the fact that many businesses are reluctant to move to the Cloud due to concerns around security. There has been a lot in the press around cloud related breaches and data breaches all over the world which shows that it can prove costly. However, Microsoft has invested billions in improving the cyber security around its products so rest assured your business will be safe. 

On Premise 

On the other hand, businesses that hold particularly sensitive data need to ensure that their security and privacy on their on premise environment is up to date and up to scratch to safeguard it from any potential cyber threats.  

Which one offers the better compliance option? 


For businesses that go down the route of cloud computing need to complete their own due diligence and make sure that the ERP solution provider that they use is fully compliant with the regulations set out by your industry or sector. It is of the utmost importance to make sure that all the data is fully secured. 

On Premise 

It is important to understand that almost all businesses are regulated in some way or another no matter which sector they are operating in. For example, the financial services sector is regulated by the FCA which means that they need to continue to remain compliant and at the same time have full visibility of their data at all times. 

Next Steps? 

If you are a business that is looking to discuss whether a Business Central ERP Cloud or Business Central ERP On Premise solution is right for your business then contact our team of ERP experts today to discuss all the options that are available to your business. 

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