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3 activities that your IT provider is completing that you didn’t know about!

If you are a business that is currently using a managed IT service provider for your IT requirements, you may not know about some of the following activities. 

You will find that with any Managed IT service that you are currently using, your IT systems will be covered with RMM software which is essentially for remote monitoring and management. This is pivotal to the success of managed service providers that all their clients have this software running on all desktops, laptops as well as on servers. 

Now that we know what it is, let’s find out what it does? From the above name, you can gain a few clues on this – put simply, it monitors the health of the technology in your business. Therefore, if a problem is detected, the IT company will be notified instantly before the client even noticed anything was wrong! 

To put this into context, an example of this is disk space monitoring. Therefore, if a server or desktop doesn’t have much storage capacity left, the managed service provider will be automatically notified about this issue. This type of approach will help to ensure that the customer doesn’t suffer from any downtime at all. 

Furthermore, some additional features that come as part of RMM software often include patch management which essentially means that it takes care of automatic Windows updates. We’ve all been in the situation at some point where you have important work to do and Windows decides to do an update which can take hours to complete! 

However, this is not the case with RMM software as it enables the service provider to run updates and “patches” outside of working hours which means that the customer will have less downtime as a result. 

In addition to the above, other useful features contained within RMM software include the capability to automate certain tasks. A good example to highlight for this is a scheduled reboot. It is safe to say that like most desktops and laptops – servers every so often operate at a very slow pace. This is very much down to the nature of technology. At this point, the best option available might be to reboot the server. 

Putting this reboot into action usually involves more time outside of the common working hours given the complex nature of what is being stopped. 

It might be the case that the server is acting as a file or print share which means that any official reboot during office hours could put a halt to the business operating. The solution comes in the form of a reboot script which can be implemented through the use of RMM software which will schedule the reboot to take place at a date and time of your choosing when the server will not be in use.  

Moreover, it is safe to say that there are more features included within RMM software and that we’ve only provided you with a snapshot of what is possible with this type of technology. 

The biggest and greatest benefit is the proactive approach needed to fully meet your business IT support needs

Furthermore, it goes without saying if there is less downtime your business will be more productive. This can’t be achieved with a standard “break-fix” charge by the standard hour IT support agreement. 

Next Steps? 

If you would like to learn more about how a managed IT service from Advantage can help you transform the way you work and allow your business to become more productive, then please get in touch with our team of IT specialists today