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How your business can change Managed IT provider in just 5 steps

It is safe to say that some businesses can feel trapped when it comes to changing Managed IT provider as they are not sure how to do it or even know what they are looking for in a new IT provider. This is why in our latest blog article, we will take you through the main things you need to look out for when moving IT provider which is based on the assumption that the business has either: 

  • A fully outsourced IT company that is providing relevant IT services. 
  • An internal IT team that need extra third party support for certain functions of the business. 

Step 1: what the new supplier should find out

Many different factors are considered in the business which we won’t go through in this article. What we will focus on are the things you need to ask for which can often be missing from the whole process. 

Audit of current IT systems 

You will find that if the new IT supplier has been operating in the sector for a number of years, they will make sure that this action is completed before delivering any services to your business. This is a basic aspect and should be clearly visible in their proposal. 

If this is not included, you may find that additional costs are added which are not within your allocated budget for this service. 

What are the goals and overall strategy for the business? 

It is crucial that the IT supplier has information to hand. The vast majority will not ask these questions and are keen to start delving into the technical aspects straight away. However, the supplier will need this information to hand when it comes to upgrading or changing IT systems. 

The future plans and aspirations for the business will help to determine what technology solutions are implemented. If the right levels of investment are made at the start of the process, this will help to ensure that it has a favourable return in the future. 

Step 2: Reviewing the current contract 

Whatever the level of service provided by the main supplier, there will usually be a more structured contract of service. Set out in this contract will be a number of different clauses that outline the process for terminating the agreement. 

Furthermore, there will also be an agreed date with the current supplier as to when the contract will come to an end. It is important to manage this part carefully to ensure a smooth transition from the old contract to the new contract with your new partner. 

Step 3: Information Exchange 

The tasks that form a significant part of daily activities of an IT support company is the need to know security details as well as the password for admin level access to both servers, network devices as well as for cloud services. 

You will find that the current supplier will usually have a record of all the core details usually consisting of the following: 

  • username 
  • passwords 
  • network addresses 
  • cloud and offsite service login URLs 

You will need to make sure that you request these details at the time that you end the contract as your new IT supplier may not be able to gain access to these easily after. 

Once you have this information, you should store it in a secure location and then provide the information to the new supplier. 

Step 4: Time to start the move 

When you get to this point, the new IT supplier will have gained a comprehensive understanding of your business and will be geared up to meet both your IT and technology needs. 

Whatever the service you have decided on and what is included within the contractual agreement, it is important to send an internal correspondent to all employees to let them know about the: 

  • Change in supplier 
  • Contact details of the supplier 
  • Preferred ways of communication 

It is more than likely that a chosen person will be in charge of acting as the main point of contact between you and your new IT supplier when it comes to reporting issues which should also be addressed before sending out the internal communication to avoid any confusion. 

Step 5: Quarterly review (after first 3 months) 

Last but not least the last step remaining is often neglected when moving providers. Following the start of the new contract, a 3 month review of service meeting should be held by core stakeholders and the new IT supplier. 

The agenda for this meeting should consist of all feedback on how the new service is working in the business and any areas where improvements could and should be made. 

Even though, it isn’t critical that a 3-month review happens during the changeover process, it will help to solidify the goals and the strategy for the business to make sure you are both moving in the right direction.

Next Steps? 

If you would like to find out more about how you can make the switch to Advantage as your IT support provider then please get in touch with our team of IT experts today to discuss your requirements in more detail. 

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